About Me
Karinne “Rinn” Lee is a journalism major at Sacramento State, class of 2025. She enjoys writing, reading and more reading.
I have loved reading since my dad read my siblings and I “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” for story time and read ahead and finished it when I was supposed to be sleeping. I found a passion for writing in my eighth grade english class, the only english class I’ve ever enjoyed. Mr. Moseley made us write a page using all the vocabulary words for the week, so I wrote him a year long story. It challenged my creativity and it probably wasn’t the best thing he’s ever read, but I had fun.
When I was picking a major, I told my advisor I wanted to be an author. She told me I would be poor… or something like that. So I told her I wanted to be on the other side of it, deciding what books would be published and editing them. She told me to be an English major… but I had hated almost every English class I’d ever been in. So I decided on journalism.
As I took more and more journalism classes at Sacramento State I could tell I chose correctly. I enjoyed every single one, especially the State Hornet, Sac State’s student news publication